Cloud Native Application With Scalable Architecture

For salesDNA, a growing startup company which assists their customers to increase sales revenue, DataGrokr built a cloud native application with scalable architecture. We built an intuitive web application with ample graphical information along with automated alerts to discover sales problems. Automated deployment pipelines helped the client to support their multi-tenant architecture easily. Leveraging the right AWS services combined with well architected framework, we ensured scalability and reliability of the application.

About the Client

Our client salesDNA is a B2B startup whose product provides B2B sales leaders with a AI co-pilot to coach and lead their teams with the help of operational metrics, customer insights and recommendations. It assists B2B revenue teams with an AI-powered compass to provide direction for every revenue-related decision. By providing one unified model and one unified AI, they help seamlessly align decisions whether they are made inside the boardroom or in the trenches and whether they are made by the marketer or the seller.

The Challenge:

  • Client wanted to build a modern cloud native application with scalable architecture
  • They needed a flexible ETL automation process that allows sourcing data from different source systems from clients of varying sizes. The ETL data pipelines need to be automated from data receipt, calculation of operational metrics, processing for insights and delivering to the web application
  • The system should allow for plug and play of different LLM engines to continuously improve their AI Co-pilot offering.

Tech Stack

Tech Stack

The Solutions:

  • React + NodeJS + RDS Postgres based web application hosted in AWS cloud.
  • Provided end-to-end automated ETL solutions, designing and developing data pipelines using the Prefect pipelines.
  • SQL stored procedures to help NodeJS API to query from database
  • Streamlined the entire ETL automation process, from data sourcing to web application, enabling the client to gain valuable insights into their numbers.
  • Automated multi-tenant Architecture deployment using Gitlab CICD pipelines and AWS CloudFormation templates.


Improved Decision-Making: Our AI system enhances decision-making across the revenue ecosystem, leading to more informed choices and strategies.
Organizational Synergy: The alignment facilitated by our AI approach permeates throughout the organization, enhancing efficiency at every level.
Cascading Revenue Growth: The impact ripples across the company, resulting in substantial revenue growth beyond conventional methods.

AWS Cloud Migration of IOT based ship tracking platform